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Sales report

Transaction report→ Sales Report

Sales reports track the value of products moving between you and your customers as you make sales and process returns. A sale is made when a customer places an order.


This field is use for know the sales wise report.

Here one window appear that four ways

?             Sales Report summary

?             Sales Report Detailed

?             Sales Report Both

?             Collection Statement

Here select the Terminal name, Payment mode, Date, and Shift Name, then press Ok.

And if you will select, Sales Report Summary, Sales Report Detailed, Sales Report Both, Collection Statement report are displayed.

When you want close the window press Close button.

Sales Report Summary:        

Here show the summary of the income and expenditure. These reports also display the opening and closing balance.


Sales Report Detailed:

 This window show the detailed report of the sales and opening and closing balance.


Sales Report Both:

Here show the details of sales for summary wise and detail wise. And shows the opening and closing balance.


Collection statement:

Collection statement is show the details of the amount collected details and shows the opening and closing balance.
