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Loyalty card

Master→ Loyalty card

Every restaurant offers different kinds of loyalty program models. Our restaurant loyalty program helps you to provide rewards in various ways like; when customer visits for the first time, on every transaction, or in any other way you want.

Loyalty card

In this module you want offer to customer reward points, discounts, or offer.
Here you select card type e.g., gold or silver. And enter the name, address, phone number, email-id and enter the opening points.
If you want save the member details click update button.
And you want delete the member select member name and press delete member.
Right side of the module showing rewards point this will Encash to customer order the food in pos screen, when pay the bill encash the rewards.

Loyalty card
In this screen paybill there showing loyalty card click that and open another screen there enter the encash amount and click apply button.

Loyalty card
In this screen enter amount or % as reward points. First select card type.
Here show two option reward points by bill amount and reward points by visit.
And enter the range of amount (From - To) and enter the reward by amount or reward by percentage of bill value and press add its show in next line.
After fill the details click save settings. You not want to delete this entries click delete this settings.