Employee Master
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Employee Master:

The personnel file or employee record contains the master data of all details pertaining to an employee. Details captured here start from the time an employee joins the organization, and includes personal details, employment contract details like salary, pay grade, joining date, designation, team, division, etc. Multiple tabs are available to capture information including family details, educational qualifications, previous designations, leave balances, loans/advances, etc. A document archive is provided to attach electronic documents (such as resumes, passport copy etc.) It is a central repository that provides access to all the relevant information pertaining to an employee.


Current level of detail that is captured in the Employee Record includes:
Employee General Information & Personal Details: This includes basic information about an employee such as Name, Employee Id, Family Details, Contact Information and Employee Dependent Information which is required from the perspective of payroll and reimbursements.
Bank Information: This covers bank details such as Account Number, PAN Number, etc.
Current Job Position & Salary Structure: This specifies the position held by the employee in the organizational hierarchy and the salary structure details covering all Additions, Deductions and Benefits
Experience: Here you can feed the previous experience of the employee.
Qualifications/Certifications/Training Details
Shift Information: This keeps track of work shifts assigned to employees
Loans/Advances: This covers details of loans/advances extended to an employee against future business expenses.
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